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“Living Chi Acupuncture is a form of medicine and a key component of Traditional Chinese Medicine which thin needles are inserted into the body at specific anatomic sites (Chinese Medicine Acupuncture points).”
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a therapy, an important part of traditional Chinese medicine, in which fine needles are inserted into the body at specific anatomical sites (acupoints).
What does Chinese Medicine acupuncture do?
The use of acupuncture promotes the movement of Qi and Blood. By increasing blood circulation, the body can then nourish the internal bodily systems. This includes organs, muscles, ligaments, joints, and bones. In other words, it helps to distribute the nutrients and minerals throughout the body.Â
What does acupuncture do?
Acupuncture can promote the circulation of Qi and blood and nourish the internal organs, muscles, ligaments, joints and bones. Qi is the essence (life force) in the body.
Chinese Medicine & Modern Science
From a scientific point of view, Chinese Medicine acupuncture stimulates points through meridian channels. This causes the release of certain chemicals from our brains, spinal cords, and muscles. Peptides are released and enhance the healing process by moving blood to the local area.
Acupuncture and Modern Science?
From a scientific perspective, acupuncture stimulates acupuncture points through meridian channels, which causes certain chemicals Released from our brain, spinal cord and muscles, thereby aiding in the body’s ability to heal.Â
Chinese Medicine Acupuncture may help with managing symptoms of muscular tension often associated with:
Stress, Poor Body Posture, Injuries, Back Pain, Muscle Contraction, Neck Pain, Waking up with pain.
Acupuncture can help control symptoms often associated with muscle tension, Stress/tension Bad posture Injuries Back pain Muscle contractions Neck pain.
Practitioner – Master Aaron Khor
Acupuncture is a therapy that may help with treating and managing a wide variety of health conditions. Acupuncture is recognised by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organisation (WHO). Some conditions are:Â
Several thin acupuncture sterile needles are inserted into the body along with some guidance from the acupuncturist/Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner. Prior to performing acupuncture, the practitioner will assess and evaluate the through questions, feeling the pulse, looking at the tongue, and observing.
In the treatment, you would lie down (Face up or down), maybe life on your side or sit up depending on the area of treatment.
When an acupuncture needle is inserted, they may experience some tingling, or stinging sensations.
Afterwards, then a dull aching feeling within the muscle.
The needles will usually remain in place for 20-40 minutes depending on your comfortability and treatment being provided by the practitioner.
Other modalities may be included together with acupuncture as a combination to help with healing the body.
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