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Acupuncture is a form of medicine and a key component of Traditional Chinese Medicine which thin needles are inserted into the body at specific anatomic sites (Chinese Medicine Acupuncture points).
Nothing compares to a massage from a licensed therapist when it comes to self-care. A full body massage is a great choice whether you're want to indulge yourself like a VIP or are dealing with chronic stress or aching muscles.
Chinese Herbal Medicine is used to help nurture, nourish and heal the internal bodily systems. It takes a holistic approach and helps the internal organs function at an optimal level.
Cupping therapy is a modality in Chinese Medicine where local suction with heated cups is applied on the skin. The cups can be moved to different locations promoting the movement of blood.
Gua sha involves using a smooth-edged tool (like a small wooden spoon, buffalo horn, or a gemstone gua sha tool) to gently scrape areas of your body, which raises tiny round spots on your skin.
Tai Chi and Qigong are traditional Chinese exercises that are widely practiced for their health benefits and as martial arts. Developed over hundreds and thousands of years.
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